Despite the fact that we live in a sort of bubble due to Covid-19, life continues to flow with its needs: one of these could be that of moving house. A circumstance that you may be led to experience as an additional source of stress, precisely because of the pandemic. Even in this period, fortunately, it is possible to move in complete safety, even by relying on Movers in Toronto.
Virtual inspection for the estimate
Before the pandemic, the drafting of the estimate was preceded by a visit by an employee of the moving company, so as to have a precise picture of the type of objects to be transported, their volume, their weight. All these elements that determine the creation of a real estimate.
Today, to limit contacts, this inspection is also carried out through a video call.
DIY packaging
Having an expert person who packs the contents of the house for you is certainly a considerable advantage. At the moment however, despite the use of safety devices, it could be a problem, even psychological, to have a stranger come into contact with all your belongings. In this case, then, it is better to opt for the DIY. It’s certainly more tiring, but at the same time it doesn’t create additional stress.
Ask for compliance with anti-contagion rules
The most serious companies are careful to guarantee compliance with the rules set out to prevent contagion from Covid-19 at all times. We are therefore talking about the use of certified masks, maintaining a safe distance, sanitizing the hands with the appropriate disinfectant gels. These are gestures that are not simply a courtesy towards you and that you must therefore expect at all times during the moving operations.
To these procedures for further safety, also adds the control of the state of health of its employees, with the support of its appointed occupational doctor.
Safe transport
The moment of the actual move could be seen as the most delicate one: after all, it is in this phase that your belongings have maximum contact with the outside world and therefore potentially with the virus. A risk reduced to a minimum with the sanitization of all the vehicles in its fleet between one move and another. In this way the move takes place in an environment free of viruses, bacteria, molds and microbes.
Always attentive to its customers and the environment, the Canada transport company has chosen to use the “Trans Hygienic System” method for sanitization, which is non-toxic, leaves no residue and is environmentally friendly.
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