Moving to a new country is a big life change, even for those who are used to frequent travel for work. The move in itself already a source of stress and a lot of commitment accentuates these characteristics, as you have to be careful of many more things.

Timing of moving abroad

An international move can be done by road, sea or air. For European countries the fastest solution is by land, which generally takes between 2 and 5 days. In the case of air shipment, the timing is longer and is around 10-15 days.

If the realization of the move is more or less short, its organization must instead start already months before so as to arrive ready even with the necessary documentation for the big day.

The costs of the move

The mode of travel you choose for your belongings also determines the cost of the operation. The most expensive is the air mode, with which you can even spend 10 thousand dollars; the cheapest is the one on wheels.

Even abroad, an important item in determining the cost of the move is the quantity of things to transfer: the quantity of goods that can be had in a room is different compared to a four-room apartment.

If the price of a move to France and Germany can cost from 3,000 dollars upwards, the one to Switzerland is much more expensive: in this case the price generally starts from 4,000 dollars. Among other things, it should be remembered that the possibility of bringing moving household goods free of charge (without paying customs duties) is limited to the first 2 years from taking up Swiss residence.

How to lower moving costs

“Is it really necessary to bring everything you have at home with you?”. This is a question you should ask yourself when you start planning a move abroad, especially if it’s only temporary. You could decide to leave in Canada, perhaps in a furniture depot if you rent, the things you don’t want to get rid of but which are not essential in your new home. On the other hand, things that can be easily disposed of can be given as gifts to friends, donated to charities or sold.

By decreasing the goods you carry with you, the costs of the move also decrease.

Pay attention to the documentation

Transferring one’s belongings abroad may require a series of paperwork, which takes time and may not be easy to carry out if a person is not used to their handling. In this sense, the country of destination is fundamental.

What Germany and France require – In this case, as for all the countries of the European Union, there are no customs obligations, therefore the transport goods can travel freely accompanied only by the loading list, a document in which all the things therein and an estimate of their replacement cost.

What Switzerland requires – Not being an EU country, in this case there is a customs obligation.

For the import of a duty-free move, in addition to the loading list, a certificate of residence in a Swiss municipality, proof of the purchase or rental of an apartment, the declaration on a customs form that the household goods are only personal purpose and have been in your possession for more than six months and a photocopy of the residence permit.


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